360 Calm
360 Calm is a free resource for guided relaxation using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques using VR (Virtual Reality). Initially started as a VR focused Youtube channel, it has expanded to include audio and normal video content to help bring awareness and assist with mental health.
VR video and accessibility
According to the World Health Organisation, “Around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.” and “...the global median of government health expenditure that goes to mental health is less than 2%.”
Seeing a need and being personally affected, 360 Calm began as a VR youtube channel based on research that VR is an effective and affordable way to treat anxiety disorders. But VR can be restrictive and inaccessible for some. Especially people with disabilities.
New content and rebrand
As VR can be restrictive for some users, 360 Calm had to provide more than just VR videos. Standard video and audio content would be helpful for users. Therefore, a new web-page was needed to help users find more than just VR content. To help with the launch of the new web-page and content, a rebrand was needed as well.
360 Calm being a personal, passion project. I am responsible for the branding, website design, VR video, standard video, and social media content.
Rebrand design process
A design brief with clear goals and objectives for a new logo, brand colours and typeface was drawn up.
The project kicked-off by starting with the colours. Taking inspiration from sunsets, a cool and calming blue contrasting with a warm and happy orange was the direction chosen.

For the typeface, a less formal but legible font was preferred and Rubik was decided on.

The logo was the hardest part of the rebrand and took about a month. A few sketches were made incorporating the 3 elements of a lotus, warmth and immersion. A sketch was finally decided on and was designed in Adobe XD (instead of Illustrator as a personal challenge). The logo was shared with an online logo review community group for feedback and received mostly positive feedback. Happy with the rebrand, a style guide was drawn up and all assets exported.

With the rebrand completed, a new website is under development and all content going forward will make use of the new branding.
Watch the project vlog here